Short Term Rental Turkey

Short Term Rental Turkey

Tightening the Reins on Short Term Rentals

In a move to regulate the burgeoning short-term rental market, Turkey has introduced a new set of regulations. Aimed primarily at enhancing security, these laws also seek to legitimize the sector as a formal business entity. Hotels will see relief from unfair competition, while the rights of tenants, landlords, and neighbors are more clearly safeguarded.

Introduction of New Legislation

The daily and short-term rental market is set to transform with legislation that mandates compliance by 2024. These laws are paving the way for a more structured and responsible rental ecosystem, ensuring that all stakeholders are protected and due processes are followed.

Restricting Rental Rights

In a significant policy shift, only property owners or licensed tourism agencies will be allowed to offer residential units for rent. This new regulation closes the door on third-party intermediaries, ensuring a direct line of accountability and service quality.

Obtaining a Rental Permit

A renting permit for touristic purposes, issued by the Ministry or Governorate Office, is now required for any residential unit rented out for less than 100 days. This permit is a stamp of authorization, distinguishing legitimate rental offers from informal arrangements.

Obtaining a Rental Permit

Mandatory Permit Display

Transparency is key in the new legal framework. Owners must display a specific plate at the entrance of the unit, confirming that it is officially sanctioned for short-term rental. This visual cue serves to reassure tenants and neighbors of the unit’s legal status.

Limitations on Permit Issuance

Owners can secure a permit for a maximum of 25% of the units in a building, provided it has more than three residential units. This stipulation ensures diversity in the usage of residential buildings and prevents the monopolization of the rental market.

Requirement for Neighborly Approval

For smaller buildings, the consensus among flat owners and occupants is now a prerequisite for obtaining a rental permit. However, in higher-end compounds, this rule is waived if the compound’s management plan already accommodates short-term rentals.

Strengthening Tenant Verification

Aligning with hotel industry standards, lessors are now required to collect and relay tenant ID information to public authorities. This measure enhances security and ensures responsible use of rental properties.

Hefty Penalties for Non-compliance

The penalties for operating without a permit are steep, with fines ranging from 100,000 to 1,000,000 TL per unit. Additionally, failing to meet obligations like delivering the unit as advertised or using the flat for illicit activities, even with a permit, could result in fines between 50,000 and 500,000 TL and potentially lead to permit revocation.


Turkey’s new regulations on short-term rentals are transforming the landscape for tourists, property owners, and the hospitality industry alike. With a focus on security, legitimacy, and fairness, the nation is setting a new standard for rental practices, ensuring that Turkey remains a top destination for travelers seeking both adventure and tranquility.

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