A Special Arabic-speaking Department Directly Under the Turkish Presidency to Facilitate Gulf Investments

A Special Arabic-speaking Department Directly Under the Turkish Presidency to Facilitate Gulf Investments

New facilitations for Arab investors.

Ahmed Barak Dağlıoğlu, the Director of Investment at the Turkish Presidential Office, announced in an interview with the Qatari newspaper "Al-Sharq" the establishment of a new Arabic-speaking department serving Gulf investors, directly affiliated with the Turkish Presidency. Dağlıoğlu clarified that this department aims to prioritize Gulf investors by providing them advantages in Turkey, in addition to presenting Arabic media content by a fluent Arabic-speaking team. He further highlighted that Qatar leads the list of Gulf countries investing in Turkey, followed by the UAE, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain. In a related context, it's noteworthy to mention that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Gulf countries in July 2023, which included Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE, leading to the signing of several agreements and memorandums of understanding to enhance trade and investment cooperation between Turkey and the Gulf states.

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October 02, 2023

finally good news

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