ANNEX-7 Cookie Policy

BAYTII Cookie Policy  BAYTII Cookie Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Policy") has been prepared by BAYTII Bilgi Teknolojileri Pazarlama ve Ticaret A.Ş. (hereinafter referred to as "BAYTII").   Like many websites and apps, Cookies are used on BAYTII (hereinafter referred to as "Portal") to show personal content and advertisements to Visitors, to perform traffic analysis on providing social media features, and to understand Visitor usage habits. During your stay on BAYTII and as long as you agree, Cookies and similar elements may be placed in your browser. By continuing to use BAYTII without changing the cookie settings, you consent to the use of Cookies.  BAYTII has prepared this Policy to explain which Cookies are used in the Portal and how Visitors can manage their preferences in this regard.

1. What is a ‘’Cookie’’? 

Cookies are very small text files, usually consisting of letters and numbers, that are saved on your computer (or other devices such as smartphones or tablets) by the websites you visit through browsers. Cookies do not contain personal data about Visitors such as name, gender or address.  Although Cookies do not contain such personal information, session information and similar data can be stored anonymously and can be used to recognize you again and similar services.  Cookies are created by the servers that manage the website you visit. This way, the server can recognize when the Visitor visits the same website. Cookies can be likened to identity cards that show website owners that the same Visitor has visited the site again.  For more detailed information about Cookies, please visit the websites and

2. Types of Cookies  

Cookies can be categorized in terms of their owners, expiration date and intended use.

  1. For Cookies related to their owner Portal Cookies and third-party Cookies are used. Portal Cookies are managed by BAYTII, while third-party Cookies are managed by different companies.
  2. For Cookies related to their lifetime session Cookies and persistent Cookies are used.   Session Cookies are Cookies that take place in temporary memory while browsing BAYTII but are deleted when you close your internet browser. Persistent Cookies, on the other hand, are Cookies that are limited to a certain date or time and are automatically deleted at the end of this date or time or remain on your hard disc until they are deleted by you.
  3. For Cookies related to their intended use, technical Cookies, verification Cookies, targeting/advertising Cookies, personalization Cookies and analytical Cookies are used in the Portal.

3. What types of Cookies are used by Third Persons? 

In addition to BAYTII’s Cookies, third persons (also referred to as "third-party") suppliers and advertising networks, social media platforms, and other business partners may place Cookies on the Visitor’s browser to provide the Visitor with better and more personalized service, including providing advertisements based on your previous visits to BAYTII and other websites. Information about these third persons and the Cookies they use is as follows:  3.1 Google Analytics  In order to analyze the Visitor experience better by using persistent, session, and third-party cookie types, BAYTII's traffic is monitored and reported.   3.2 Doubleclick  In order to improve your online experience by using persistent, session, and third-party cookie types, your time and habits on the internet are analyzed and advertisements are shown according to your interests.  3.3 Facebook   Using third-party cookie types allows you to share advertisements and access Facebook easier.   3.4 Twitter   Third-party Cookies are used to enable you to share advertisements and access Twitter easier.  Persistent, session, and third-party cookie types are used to improve your online experience by analyzing your time and habits on the internet and displaying advertisements according to your interests. (we are not responsible for the reliability of the content you will access through the links of third persons given above).

4. Purpose of Use (For what purposes are Cookies used on BAYTII? 

In general, these Cookies are used to provide you with better and more personalized service and to help us improve BAYTII.  The aim of these below-mentioned Cookies are as follows:   to recognize you when you return to BAYTII  To ensure that you see adverts that are suitable for your own interests by reaching the targeted audience for the adverts and that you do not see the same adverts repeatedly.  personalizing content and ads  provide social media features  analyzing BAYTII traffic  understanding how you use BAYTII  understanding how you use BAYTII

5. Why are Cookies Used? 

In the Portal, Cookies are used for the following purposes:

  1. To perform the basic functions necessary for the operation of the Portal. For example, Portal Visitors can log in with their account information.
  2. To analyze the Portal and improve its performance of the Portal. For example, analyzing the number of visitors to the Portal and adjusting performance accordingly, or making it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.
  3. To increase the functionality of the Portal and provide ease of use. For example, remembering the username information or search queries in the next visit of the Visitor who visits the Portal or providing links to third-party social media activities through the Portal.
  4. To perform personalization, targeting, and advertising activities. For example, displaying advertisements related to the interests of Visitors on the pages and products viewed by Visitors.

6. Managing Cookie Preferences How are Cookie Preferences Managed? 

It is extremely important for BAYTII that Visitors can freely use their preferences regarding which personal data can be collected. However, it is not possible to manage preferences regarding Cookies, which are mandatory for the operation of the Portal. We also remind you that if some Cookies are switched off, various functions of the Portal may not work.  Information on how you can manage your preferences regarding the Cookies used in the Portal is as follows:   Visitors have the opportunity to personalize their preferences for Cookies by changing the browser settings in which they view the Portal. If the browser being used offers this opportunity, it is possible to change the preferences for Cookies through the browser settings. Thus, although it may vary according to the possibilities offered by the browser, data subjects have the opportunity to prevent the use of Cookies, to receive a warning before the cookie is used, or to disable or delete only s ome Cookies. Although the preferences in this regard vary depending on the browser used, it is possible to access the general explanation at Preferences regarding Cookies may need to be made separately for each device that the Visitor accesses the Portal.   Click to switch off Cookies managed by Google Analytics.  Click here to manage the personalized advertising experience provided by Google.   In terms of Cookies used by many companies for advertising activities, preferences can be managed through your web browser.   The settings menu of the mobile device can be used to manage Cookies on mobile devices.  We may update our cookie policy without any notice to you. Therefore, it is recommended that you review our cookie policy periodically. Our cookie policy was updated on INSERT DATE.

7. Rights of Visitors 

Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, Visitors have the right to apply to BAYTII for information about themselves, in the following cases:

  1. To find out whether personal data is being processed,
  2. Request information if personal data has been processed,
  3. To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  4. To find out the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
  5. To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,
  6. Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and other relevant laws, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,
  7. To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analysing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,  8.  To demand compensation for damages in the event of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data related to them.   The aforementioned rights will be evaluated and finalized within 30 (thirty) days in any case when submitted by the personal data owners in writing or via the registered e-mail address. Although it is essential not to charge any fee for the requests, BAYTII reserves the right to charge a fee based on the fee tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

8. Changes in Consent and Policy 

With the Policy, BAYTII aims to provide detailed explanations to its visitors about the use of Cookies and to inform them about their Cookie preferences. In this respect, it is accepted that consent to the use of Cookies is given if the Cookie information warning on the Portal is closed and the Portal continues to be used. Visitors always reserve the opportunity to change their Cookie preferences.  BAYTII may change the provisions of its Policy at any time. The current Policy becomes effective on the date it is published on the Portal. The following types of Cookies are used on the BAYTII:  8.1 Session Cookies  Session Cookies are temporary Cookies that are used during our Visitors' visits to the Site and deleted after the browser is closed.  The main purpose of using such Cookies is to ensure the proper functioning of the Website during your visit.  For example, you are provided to fill in online forms consisting of more than one page.  8.2 Persistent Cookies  Persistent Cookies are types of Cookies used to increase the functionality of the Site and to provide faster and better service to our Visitors.  Such Cookies are used to remember your preferences and are stored on your device via browsers.  Some types of persistent Cookies; can be used to provide you with special suggestions, taking into account issues such as your purpose for using the Website.  Thanks to Persistent Cookies, if you visit the Site again with the same device, it is checked whether there is a cookie created by the Site on your device, and if there is, it is understood that you have visited the Site before and the content to be transmitted to you is determined accordingly and thus a better service is provided to you.  8.3 First Party Cookie  A small piece of code that a web browser stores in a file on a viewer's computer to remember their activity on a site, such as when a viewer visits a page or downloads an article from your site. A first-party cookie comes from the domain (or website) the member is browsing from.  First-party Cookies are a workaround for some browsers and applications that prevent third-party Cookies from collecting information.  First-party Cookies are usually stored longer than third-party Cookies, so you can monitor Visitor activity for longer.  In addition, first-party Cookies are often enabled by Visitors because they make their browsing experience more enjoyable.  8.4 Third Party Cookie  A small piece of code that comes from a domain other than the domain from which the member is browsing. When a person clicks on the advert, they are redirected to the advertiser's website, at which point a third-party cookie is saved on the person's computer. When this code is fired, you can track a person's actions on the site if third-party Cookies are not blocked.  Browsers block third-party Cookies. For example, Safari 11 has already blocked third-party Cookies. As privacy becomes a central concern among visitors and regulatory restrictions continue to evolve rapidly, more browsers are expected to phase out third-party Cookies.  On the tracker side, a tracker can browse in anonymized mode, such as Google's incognito mode, and data is not stored after the session. Visitors can also manually disable third-party Cookies.