Your Guide to Renting in Turkey: Seven Key Points Every Tenant Should Know

Your Guide to Renting in Turkey: Seven Key Points Every Tenant Should Know

Rental Apartments Turkey

Embarking on a rental journey in Turkey? That’s exciting! Whether you're settling in Istanbul or finding a cozy spot in Ankara, understanding your tenant rights is key to a stress-free stay. Let's walk through seven essential tips to ensure you're well-informed and ready to enjoy your new home in Turkey.

  1. Landlord 101: Who Pays What? 
    Good to know: Your landlord should cover any expenses not directly related to your daily use, like taxes, insurance, and general upkeep. Got a clause in your contract that says otherwise? It might be time to have a chat with your landlord. Keep those receipts and communication lines open!
  2. Rent Increases: What's Fair? 
    Concerned about your rent shooting up? Here's some relief: There's a legal cap tied to the Consumer Price Index. Until mid-2024, your rent can only go up by a maximum of 25%. It’s a safeguard that helps you budget better without any rent shock.
  3.  Planning to Move? Just Say So: 
    If you’re looking to relocate, remember to let your landlord know 15 days before your lease renews. This simple step ensures your lease won’t automatically renew, giving you freedom and flexibility.
  4. Need to Leave Early? Here's the Drill: 
    Life's unpredictable, and sometimes you have to move out earlier than planned. The golden rule? Give a three-month heads-up. It's a respectful gesture and can save you from paying extra rent during the transition.
  5. Keep a Clear Payment Trail: 
    Paying your rent through bank transfers is your best bet for keeping things transparent and dispute-free. It's a simple way to track your rent payments and gives you peace of mind.
  6. Watch Out for Banking Switch-Ups: 
    If your landlord decides to change their bank account, get those new details in writing. Sending a formal request via PTT can ensure you’re both on the same page and helps avoid any future banking blunders.
  7. Securing Your Deposit: 
    Deposits can be up to three months' rent – a significant amount! To safeguard it from currency fluctuations, consider using a stable currency. And remember, if you leave your place damage-free, that deposit should come right back to you.


Being a tenant in Turkey is an adventure filled with new experiences. Keeping these tips in mind, you can navigate your rental journey with confidence and ease. Here's to a happy and fulfilling stay in your Turkish home!

Rental Apartments Turkey

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